Hugh E Weaver was born in Fallon Nevada in 1956. Apprenticed to Saddlemaker’s Dave Schuler and his son Peter Schuler 1972-1979. Dave was like a father to Hugh and remained like family until his death in 2013.
Growing up around Reno, Nevada, Hugh was exposed to many great craftsman who helped him immensely. Bill Malloy~ Saddlemaker, Bill Rogers~ Saddlemaker, Al Tejon~ Bit & Spur Maker, Al Petcheti~ Silversmith and Tool & Die Maker, unfortunately all now deceased.
Hugh met Dan Murray in 1973 who was most influential, a big supporter and mentor till his death. In Hugh’s opinion as well as a great many others, Dan Murray was the King of Western Articles. Truly the Mastercraftsman, Dan’s talents were seemingly limitless.
Hugh received silver engraving help from Barry Lee Hands, Eathen Jatsik, Hartch Nargizian and Gary Gist. Hugh also had technical help and support and inspiration cutting steel from Lyton Mckenzie (deceased) and Ron Smith.
Hugh has had a major style influence in the Western Silver Industry and was named Academy of Western Arts, Master Engraver in 2000.
Having cut Masters designed, taught to Sabona Bracelets, Tom Balding Bits & Spurs, Montana Watch Company, John Mincer Silversmiths. Hugh also lived in Australia where he went to consult and design, teach to Bob Berg Silversmiths and many more.